
Well hey there, and thanks for stopping by!

I’m Kara.

I’m a wife, dog mom, cat lady, and ER nurse.

I have seen some shit. Both literally and figuratively. I’ve worked everywhere from a 12 bed ER in Hawaii to a community ER in Chicago to a level one trauma center. I’ve worked day shift, night shift, and every shift in between. Every place I’ve worked has one thing in common. It doesn’t matter if it is 1pm or 3am, the baked goods you brought in are gone before you’ve even announced they are there.

If you are chomping at the bit to tell me a nurse shouldn’t push sugar, let me rebuttal. 1) You’ve found yourself on a baking blog. 2) Have a patient throw an actual cup of poop at you, and then tell me about it. A gooey cookie is healing, and I’m dying by my belief that chocolate is good for the soul. Every part of baking is an outlet for me… from making it, to eating it, to cleaning up the mess.

The recipes tab is for those of you who want the catharsis of baking, without all the other fuss. If you want the fuss and a little more on my days that can’t be baked away, head on over to the blog tab where we can chat about everything from chasing Burger the bernedoodle to twelve hour shifts! I’m stoked you found your way to my blog, and I hope you stick by me while this baby bakes into something sweet.

Thanks for letting me be a tart of your world.